One of the most annoying things about working with older people, mostly older ladies actually, is their panic & inability whenver the thorny subject of learning s new skill or talant is concerned.I belong to one of the oldest social groups in the land and it celebrates 110 years of unbroken service to its community. There is a massive teaching facility attached to it and we members are all invited to sign up and take advantage of their free education and retraining ideas. It is a blissfully simple procedure but of course, there are many older folk who just don’t have the technology; either they only have a seriously old desk top computer or they don’t have a new enough smart phone. Actually I encounter this regularly and they look at me with that superior look on their faces almost gleefully announcing that they don’t trust this or that and they’ll never been seen with such gizmos. I almost pity them and think how they are missing out. During the lockdown – gosh doesn’t that seem a long time ago now?! I subscribed to zoomed enhancement lectures on all sorts of topics and they were most enlightening and extremely cheap on the wallet. Only a laptop or smart phone was needed and a £5 subscription fee. That business was very much how the simpler folk like things to be conducted!