When is a Business Not A Business But A Commercial Activity . . .

Business, well certainly in the uk, is defined at an undertaking engaging in business activities, irrespective of its legal form including sole traders, pasrtnerships and incorporated companies.  It also includes organisations not registered in the uk but which operate there.    There are sometimes difficulties defining what a business is for the purposes of particular assessments such as regulatins and revenues.  Differentiating between business and commercial activity by individuals.   It is recommended that departments consult the terms in the better regulation framework guidance both past and present and consider whether the organisation would be counted as a business officially under government statistics.  There are many facets to be considered when deciding whether a business is, well, a business.    Most small business owners are not interested in the legalities of it all and just want to make the most money out of their particular skill or asset.  To be a successful start up enterprise, there is a whole list of proven money making business ideas.  Becoming a personal trainer is top of the list.  This is only going to be a top earner though if the candidate undertakes rigorous training to equip themselves with the correct knowledge of bodies, how they work, how to stop their clients being injured; how to keep clients coming back for more training and ensuring they keep themselves as fit as possible and well insured.   Another top coice is dog walking and house/dog sitting.  This is particularly good for folk who have had some years working and can manage on a variable income but like the idea of freedom of picking & hoosing the hours or days they work.  These are still businesses in whatever entitiy.