Supportive Skills Academies Help Transition From School To Career Focused Training

In this cut and thrust business environment, it is critical to be on top of al the technological changes coming along at such a rate of knots.  There are now government sponsored educational estalishments that offer full, part or bespoke times for delivering vocational programmes.   These are designed to meet the individual needs of the young student and aims to ease them into the learning experience which they so often lacked during state school.  The academies offer a supportive learning environment which offers a varied curriculum with hands on practical lessons.  Great emphasis is put on gaining student trust and engaging with them to the point that they feel comfortable in the more mature environment with less ‘them and us’ about it.  A skills academy cannot fail to provide young learners with inspiration, tools & resources to suddenly start believing in themselves to become confident adults, able to take on structured learning as a means to getting that dreamed of career.   Helping students who have not enjoyed their previous schooling experience really only start to blossom when they have the right combination of adult mentoring and guidance to strengthen their employability skills for life.

One of the ways a skills academy succeeds in the face of initial reluctance is that the courses and programme are geared around the individual student to bridge that gap between the formal full time education into training and readiness to accept focused learning for the work place.